Monday 25 June 2018

Awards Night

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I feel more stress and nerves as a teacher during exam time than I ever felt as a student. The main reason being is that I cannot control how students do during their exams.

Thankfully, students did a lot better on their Science 9 PAT than what I expected. No one aced the test in my class, but a small number did score above 90%. About three quarters scored above 60% as well which made me quite happy for my first PAT year. True, exams are never the best indicator of student learning, but it does give me pride.

After school, I had a couple hours to burn before awards. I opted to read on my phone, rather than clean my classroom. When it got close to five, I headed down towards the gym for Award Night. Instead of giving out medals this year, the school opted to hand out trophies. I had to say that seeing all those trophies on the table behind the podium looked pretty impressive. We started awards late, but manage to end somewhat on time. I quickly rushed on home to relax for the rest of my night.

It's going to be a busy week, with little time to head to the gym. =/

Thursday is going to be rough.

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