Tuesday 26 June 2018

Started cleaning my class

The grade 7s and 8s were on field trips while a large portion of grade 9s decided to skip the day today. Therefore, I had a lot of free time. I managed to get a head start on cleaning my classroom. Since I won't be moving classrooms this year, it means I don't have to pack everything in boxes.

Other than supervising students that were there, I started on my student cumulative files after school today since I have a dentist appointment Friday afternoon. At this rate, I should be able to clean up most of classroom by Thursday!

After work, I headed off to Ten Foot Henry for dinner. I don't recall the last time I've been to a place like Ten Foot Henry, but it was a decent experience. Pretty packed when I got there, but apparently that was normal.

And that's pretty much it for today. Two more days with the kids, while 3 more days of work for me!

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