Thursday 21 June 2018

Summer Solstice 2018

Today marks the longest day of the year. Pessimistically, it means that each day after today will be shorter until December 21.

For the longest day of the year, it was relatively clear skies and hot weather. I'm blessed that my classroom faces north, thus not having to deal with direct sunlight shining in and heating everything up. It gets warm, but it's normally tolerable.

As for the Science 7 final exam, I'm glad to say that no one failed today. I don't think I ever had a class where everyone passed, so I'm quite pleased. Granted, some of my weakest students left school early for vacation, making it easier to achieve this no-fail exam.

A good way to end the grade 7 school year.

Thursday is leg day, though not a successful one due to a hip issue. All these problems...

When one area feels good, another area starts to go. I need to fine tune my warm ups somehow or incorporate more stretching at home.

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