Monday 11 June 2018

Chilly with a side of wind

I don't recall the last time we had the furnace turn on in June. Nine degrees has never felt so cold before, or at least hasn't felt so cold in a while.

Due to a soccer tournament, many of my grade 9s were away today. It made science class and lunch a quiet event. It was also the first time that I didn't have much to do after school, since it's mostly printing off exams for the next day.

As I got home, the wind really started to pick up. Windows had to be closed in fear that something might break. After a bit of a break, it was off to the gym for arm day and shoulder day. I've haven't done shoulders in a while, and they're looking quite flat.

An extremely ordinary day. A relaxing day. A day that I strangely enjoyed despite the normalcy.

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