Monday 18 June 2018

One exam done, two more to go.

The science 8 final exam happened to be the first one this year. I was feeling nervous since I really had to rush the last unit.

Despite the crammed last unit and one week of review, students did better than what I expected. Out of the 72 students I teach this year, only... five failed? Better than the 10 or so last year that I had out of 100 students. Quite a few students got above 90%, with class average for all three classes being around the mid 60s. If I recall my studies in assessment correctly, it means that the final exam I created was a fair test.

OTher than that, it was shoulders and arm day at the gym. I've just started doing shoulders again, since my shoulders are quite puny.

And off to sleep! Eight more days with students, while nine for me!

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