Saturday 23 June 2018

Saturday Strength Day

It has been a while since I last remembered a dream, yet alone a nightmare. After startling myself awake at around 8, I laid there until 9 before getting up to get ready to head down to Rockyridge.

The drive was relatively uneventful besides all the rain that was pouring down. The gym was a lot busier than what I ever seen, but I was able to secure a squat rack to myself for a good hour or so. I had to use a closer stance to squat to alleviate any pain in my hip, but it did help with squatting heavier. I managed to get back to 275 lbs without too much of a struggle. Going back to five sets of five reps for 275 lbs will be my goal for the rest of this year.

And to do it without any serious injury would be the icing on the cake!

Just a week left to go before break starts. I need to start constructing a list of what to do for break this year...

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