Wednesday 6 June 2018

Finished the curriculum for the school year for my 7s and 8s

Yesterday, I managed to finish the curriculum for three of my five classes. I managed to finish one other class today. Just my grade 9s to go through!

Other than that, I left work at my normal time since I didn't feel like doing work at work. I got home after an extremely smooth drive, which is rare at around 4:30ish in Calgary. I managed to finish a unit test/quiz and modify a couple final exams for students that are leaving before the school year ends. 

That was pretty much all the work I could muster today. Not a productive day and blaming it for being near the end of the school year isn't a great excuse either... seeing that I skipped back day today.
Not to mention the answer keys I need to work on...

Well tomorrow is another day they say! 

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